Must Read Books to Understand the Times
by Gary L. Cobb, Author to the King
Gary L. Cobb, Author to the King
ph: 810-923-2229
Three Religions One Temple Mount
A Landmark 21st Century Commentary on Religion and World Events…
In a unique complement of history, current events, Bible exegesis and numeric phenomena, this book examines the crisis in the world since 9/11 with challenging topics for all people of faith…as well as for non-religious and skeptics who are willing to read with honest reason and intellect:
The Temple Mount:
Whose God is God?
Absolute Truth:
“The purpose of this book is to bring clarity and religious context to the Middle East crisis by a spiritual journey to the Temple Mount, revealing how this small parcel of disputed holy land has become the flashpoint of terrorism,” says Cobb, “yet within its volatile history, remains the timeless template for peace.”
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Reader Reviews:
When I taught philosophy, many years ago, I tried to get my students to seek truth, (the true nature of the universe) through the studies of Plato, Socrates and other philosophers. My main goal was that Truth always Was, Is and always Will Be. When I taught literature, I found it necessary for my students to reference the Bible if they were to understand the symbolism that most of the authors used to define their characters and actions. (I got away with it then) I wish this book was available then. I was aware that the Greek and Hebrew alphabet had numerical value but was not aware of the study called Gematria. I found it very enlightening… I have a much stronger grasp of what I believe. You were also able to bring together the Old Testament with the New Testament in a new way for me…Oh, and by the way, both my sons came home unharmed from Kuwait and Iraq. Thank you for your prayers. Your book certainly helped me focus and gave me a better understanding of the Middle East Conflict. It is a Holy War. Maybe this book is a first step in solving the Middle East problems. I pray it may be.” Dennis Mills, Superintendent Harney Education Service District, State of Oregon
BOOK COVER: This picture is of the Temple Mount, the site of the ancient Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Followers of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity all consider the Temple Mount as a major holy site of their religious heritage. The Wall, the Dome, and the Cross…three symbols of three world religions…but whose truth?
Crowds at Western Wall (the shadow of the cross was not in the original picture...or was it?) Copyright
"Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names ...Isaiah 40:26 (700 BC)
A MUST READ BOOK TO UNDERSTAND 9/11...Discover why readers from all walks of life are saying things like...
..."I've been impressed by your faith and widespread knowledge of religion. You really have a syncretic view that's quite remarkable. Well, back to writing." (Ian Johnson, Pulitzer Prize Winning Author, Wall Street Journal Correspondent)
A fresh historical work is rare indeed--yet Gary Cobb has managed to create just that with a splendid mix of his Biblical insights and implications for mankind. Gary has dedicated himself to a grand reflection with grander invitations for freshened understandings" Robert Danzig, Former CEO/Hearst Newspapers/Author/Speaker
I found Gary Cobb’s book to be very insightful and challenging. It was refreshing…Gary puts to rest much of the current teaching of gloom and doom…He approaches end-time teaching in a unique fashion that I think you will find enlightening and rewarding. Jack Loshaw,Minister Mt. Zion Church (retired)
If Pythagoras, 600 before Jesus, proclaimed that "number is the essence of all things in the universe." and Einstein said "simplicity is genius" then Gary has simply proven Pythagoras that 888 = Jesus! Stergios Thesalonika, Greece
I have been reading your book and I am quite impressed with it. You have done a monumental job writing it. Rev John Booko, Assyrian
Today the whole world is focused on events in the Middle East...especially Israel and its role in prophetic events. "Three Religions One Temple Mount" reveals how the ancient Jewish Temple serves as a timeless template of the Messiah.
Using a method of Biblical interpretation, adopted by rabbis during the Second Temple period, called Gematria (meaning counting in Greek), the author reveals an amazing numeric link between the Tanach (Old Testament) and the New Testament
This book proves beyond any doubt the true identity of the Messiah. It offers to the world at this strategic time in HIStory, the only real solution to real and lasting the Middle East and throughout the world!
Xulon Press, a part of Salem Communications Corporation, is the world’s largest Christian publisher, with more than 3,900 titles published to date. Retailers may order The Last Seal of the King or Three Religions One Temple Mount through Ingram Book Company and/or Spring Arbor Book Distributors. Order Now at or direct from Author.
Gary L. Cobb, Author to the King
ph: 810-923-2229